Design Projects


Hello! I am Chenxi Wang. Welcome to my portfolio site.

I graduated from Jiangnan University with a bachelor's degree in industrial design and am now studying for a master's degree in digital interaction at Politecnico di Milano.

I've been learning how to become a better full stack ux designer. At currently, my primary focus is on the cross area of AI technology, XR, and UX.

I had to put a watermark on my portfolio because it had been embezzled before. If you are interested in my design projects, please contact me via email or WeChat account, I will be happy to share it with you!

There are many musical instruments developed for people with sensory impairments on the market today, but most of them are designed with only playing alone in mind, ignoring their need to feel the music when they want to play together. We visited the disabled community and found that they often organise concerts together for entertainment, which inspired our product.
We hope that through light, some stylistic semantics/touch of the product's appearance, and the corresponding small vibrations of the notes triggered by the act of interaction, the experience of playing music can be conveyed to the hearing-impaired people, and at the same time bridge the communication gap between people with different sensory impairments!

Older projects under repair&polish...

Digital interaction design Politecnico di Milano
Human-computer interaction/human intelligence collaboration/XR/UX