Design Projects


Hello! I am Chenxi Wang. Welcome to my portfolio site.

I graduated from Jiangnan University with a bachelor's degree in industrial design and am now studying for a master's degree in digital interaction at Politecnico di Milano.

I've been learning how to become a better full stack ux designer. At currently, my primary focus is on the cross area of AI technology, XR, and UX.

I had to put a watermark on my portfolio because it had been embezzled before. If you are interested in my design projects, please contact me via email or WeChat account, I will be happy to share it with you!

Usability testing and application iteration project
This project is for usability testing and product iteration of a medical checkup app, Medical Checkup Bao, for the Chinese application market. The usability testing mainly focused on experiments, SPSS data analysis and eye movement analysis. After pre-experimentation, pre-testing, app iteration, and post-testing, the usability goal was successfully achieved and the usability of this app was improved.

Digital interaction design Politecnico di Milano
Human-computer interaction/human intelligence collaboration/XR/UX